Tag Archives: indonesia

New species of orangutan found (and there’s a super volcano involved)

Today marks the first time in almost two decades that new species of great ape was discovered. Scientists have found an isolated population of orangutans in Sumatra, Indonesia, and studies show that it is a new species, and that it has been separated from the other population of Sumatran orangutans for over a million years.

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The Birds of Bali

The Indonesian island famous with tourists for its beaches, yoga retreats, and waterfalls is currently under threat from one of the island’s active volcano, Mount Agung. While the volcano has not erupted in over 50 years, experts now say that eruption is imminent and the government has evacuated a 12km radius around the volcano. Continue reading The Birds of Bali

Guest Post: Tom in the Jungle

While I faced visa problem after visa problem I found comfort in knowing that one of my cohort, and a great friend, Tom was out in the jungles of Borneo living the dream. Somewhere between May and July of 2015 I asked him to write a guest post, and being the person that I am, I am only getting around to posting it now. Sorry, Tom! But it was worth the wait, he really brings the jungle to life:


In this summer of 2015 I had the good fortune to find myself in a Bornean rainforest conducting fieldwork for my MSc. The Sabangau peat-swamp forest in Central Kalimantan was my home for two months. As I write these words my time here is drawing to a close. Read on, if you will, and I will tell you about the remarkable place where I lived and the strange and wonderful things that I saw in my short time living in the jungle.​  Continue reading Guest Post: Tom in the Jungle

In Search of Dragons

We stepped off the boat and onto a dry, desert-like island, then walked on a rocky path until we reached two towering statues. These stone Komodo dragons guarded the entrance to the national park. Within minutes we spotted a troop of mischievous macaques, and one 7 foot long Komodo dragon sauntering across a dry marsh where the tide encroached during the wet season. Continue reading In Search of Dragons

The Cultural Shift

Balinese culture has always had to fight for it’s survival in an increasingly Westernized world. In fact, Balinese culture was born out of the political turmoil that plagued the Indonesian island of Java that lasted from the 1200’s to the late 1400’s. In 1478 there was the last major exodus to Bali when the carvers, painters and artists fled to the small island in hopes of finding a creative sanctuary. Continue reading The Cultural Shift

World Wildlife Day 2015: How Great Apes Change the World

Today, March 3rd, is World Wildlife Day. Every year there is a theme that brings attention to something that is threatening species all over the world. This year’s theme is #seriousaboutwildlifecrime. Wildlife crime includes things like the illegal poaching of animals or animal parts on the black market. This be anything from an elephant tusk sold for jewelry to an infant chimpanzee sold as a pet. Continue reading World Wildlife Day 2015: How Great Apes Change the World

OAP: Flying Frog

It’s been a while but it is time for another Odd Animal Profile! If you haven’t been around on the site long check out some of our other OAP’s like the oh so popular okapi or maybe you’re in the mood to learn about the sunda flying lemur? Oh I do love animals called “flying” that can’t actually fly! Why don’t they just call this amphibian the gliding frog? Or the frog that can jump extremely long distances? Well, I guess it’s because it’s quite a mouthful, so flying frog it is!

Wallace's Flying Frog in Flight
Wallace’s Flying Frog in Flight

Continue reading OAP: Flying Frog

Bornean residents forced to evacuate

Indonesian Ministry of Forestry, Zulkifli Hasan has stated in a press conference on April 1st that all urban areas on the island of Borneo will be shut down. The reason for this sudden stop of not only the expansion of metropolitan areas, but also to their existence is the Indonesian government’s recent plan to evacuate all citizens currently residing in Indonesian Borneo.

The President of Indonesia
The President of Indonesia

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