Tag Archives: youtube

You’ve shared an exotic pet video. Now what?

Maybe you’ve come across this because you were hoping to get a pet tiger/lion/monkey/ape/or some other strange exotic animal or perhaps someone posted this link because you shared a video or photo of one of these animals being kept as a pet. But why do some people have a problem with that? Why is it dangerous to simply say “Aww! It’s so cute!! I want one!”? Here are the top 3 dangers to sharing videos of exotic animals in unnatural settings (like living rooms): Continue reading You’ve shared an exotic pet video. Now what?

science and social media

Today is the age of social media. News papers and magazines are dying and people are now getting their information from places like Facebook, Twitter or… hey! even blogs like this one! Well, besides from online news sources like National Geographic or Science Daily who should you be following to get your daily dose of science? Well, lets take a look at a few of my favorite places gain some serious knowledge.

Photo from gettalkabout.com
Photo from gettalkabout.com

Continue reading science and social media